Recruitment by Chevron

Why make Chevron Recruitment Agency a Partner of choice

We have been in the recruitment business for over 20 years, this has helped build our reputation and more importantly, our understanding of what SME’s need from their recruitment to help them succeed.

We pride ourselves on our relationships with our business partners, ensuring we get to know them and understand their business. Having such a great working relationship helps us identify quickly the right candidates for the roles. This relationship also means we can openly discuss with our client’s the challenges in recruitment and provide alternative solutions when required.

In our role we take the time to review the candidates CV to ensure they match the vacancy, and ensure the candidates are those who suit the business requirements. We liaise with the candidates throughout the entire recruitment process which, not only allows us to build rapport with the candidate, but also means we can provide feedback to our business partners direct from the candidates.

Our team is pro-active in their approach and transparency is key to our successful business relationships. We seek to take the hassle out of recruitment by advertising, reaching out to our extensive database, vetting and presenting the best CV’s to our business partners.

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We recruit for a broad range of industries